Tag Archives: Audrey Wood

The Napping House


There is a house,
a napping house,
where everyone is sleeping.

And in that house
there is a bed,
a cozy bed
in a napping house,
where everyone is sleeping.

A beautifully-illustrated rainy day, cozy bed, sleepy family, and unexpected visitor combine with gently-rhythmic prose to create a warm and funny book.

Author:  Audrey Wood
Illustrator: Don Wood


The Little Mouse, the Red Ripe Strawberry, and the Big Hungry Bear


An adorable mouse, a succulent strawberry, a possible threat to the strawberry, and a narrator with an ulterior motive make for a cute tale that charms kids and amuses adults.  This is a great one to read aloud with much dramatic flair.

Authors:  Don and Audrey Wood
Illustrator:  Don Wood

King Bidgood’s in the Bathtub


 “Help! Help!” cried the Page when the sun came up.
“King Bidgood’s in the bathtub, and he won’t get out!
Oh, who knows what to do?”

King Bidgood is determined to stay in the bathtub. Attempts to entice him away with battling, lunching, fishing, and dancing fail spectacularly. Will anything get him to leave?

The premise of this cheerful book is very funny (although the language is sometimes a tiny bit awkward) and the elaborate pictures are beautiful. We are always stumbling across new details we missed before.

Author: Audrey Wood
Illustrator: Don Wood

Silly Sally


Silly Sally went to town,
walking backwards, upside down.

This book is all kinds of silly.  There are silly words, characters, pictures, and plot lines.  There are lots of chances for silly voices.  And tickling the listeners is all-but required.

If pure silliness isn’t enough to close the deal, there’s also plenty of repetition that makes it extra fun for the kids to join in and rollicking rhythms that it makes it a pleasure to read aloud.  And it is a great choice for a bedtime story when you want to end the day quickly, but on a high note.

We don’t have the big board book version (yet?), but it would a great choice for a reader not quite yet ready for paper pages.

Author:  Audrey Wood
Illustrator:    Audrey Wood